Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is: This website is owned and operated by One Planet & Assessment Services Ltd. 

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Contact Form & Pop Ups

When submitting the contact form or pop up form your information is sent to Assessment Services for processing onto their CRM. The data is not stored on this website. The data is processed on Hubspot, and used only for business communications that pertain to the One Planet Standard.


This site uses functional cookies for design, layout, and functionality. We utilise Google Analytics to track users anonymously, and that data is used for improving the functionality of the website.

Who we share your data with

Personal data is solely used internally for communications and registrations to our events. This information is not shared with any third party.  

How long we retain your data

Your data is kept on record under two circumstances:

  1. Your data will be kept on record for the duration of your organisations accreditation, 
  2. If there is a transaction we must keep these records for tax purposes.

Deletion of data will occur 18 months after the most recent contact. 

What rights you have over your data

The data we hold on our CRM is your data. At any time you can request a full deletion, and see all records we hold relating to your personal data. 

Where we send your data

Your data is sent to our Slack Workspace for processing onto our CRM Hubspot. Your data is not sent to any other places.

Only initial completion of the registration form, your IP address is checked via reCAPTCHA v3 for SPAM dection. This is not kept on record.

Get the One Planet Standard

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