The One Planet Standard - a new approach for changemakers
The One Planet Centre CIC and Assessment Services Ltd. are launching a new One Planet Standard. Its purpose is to provide a set of protocols to help organisations of any size successfully manage the internal change that will help them meet the challenges of climate change, mass extinction and resource scarcity.
The One Planet Standard will support organisations (public, private or third sector) who want to adjust the impacts of their activities to a level matching what the planet is able to provide.
The Standard will help them develop resource-efficient, circular economic pathways, with the engagement of employees, supply chains, customers – and anyone affected by an organisation’s activities.
The benefits for an organisation may include:
- social and environmental value
- improved staff motivation
- cost savings and greater efficiency
- enhanced reputational value
- legislative compliance
- greater ability to manage change.
The Standard is free to use. Organisations wishing to show public recognition and commitment can choose to be independently accredited by Assessment Services Ltd.
A self-assessment tool is available, and organisations can receive support, and opt to use toolkits, training and capacity-building from The One Planet Centre.
The One Planet Centre CIC’s founder-director David Thorpe said,
“If everyone in the world lived as we do in the UK we’d need three planet Earths. We hope this new Standard will help to mainstream efforts to reduce the UK’s ecological footprint to our planet, by achieving wide take-up from all sorts of organisations – public, private and non-profit.”
Assessment Services Ltd’s CEO Paul Bridle said,
“We’re delighted to be supporting the One Planet Centre with their aims to create a better planet. The Standard will help organisations wishing to ensure they play their part in securing the future of our planet in a practical way.”
Notes for Editors
The One Planet Standard shows three levels shown below:



Goals that organisations can set will involve greater efficiency, reducing raw materials use, tackling the lifecycle ecological footprint, cutting energy use and pollution, and reversing the damage to nature.
Social and ecological value can be captured by adding ecological footprint-relative criteria to the National Social Value Portal tool for procurement contracts, and linking them to the Well-Being Act (Wales) and Sustainable Development Goal indicators.
The end goal would be for all expenditure to, besides achieving its primary aim, further the enhancement of the future security of humanity and the natural environment; to use economic power to do only good.
Understanding the requirements of the One Planet Standard will help senior leaders shape strategic direction, help leaders and managers implement change, help staff shift the corporate culture, help customers, suppliers and service contractors manage product and service life cycles, and contribute to partnership working.
The One Planet Standard supports continuous improvement, with a Plan > Do > Check > Act virtuous cycle. Organisations may set their own goals, with milestones, over a chosen time scale.
The One Planet Centre CIC
The Centre is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (company no. 12510450), and a network of practitioners and researchers dedicated to scaling up ‘one planet’ living. It is based in South Wales, UK. It supports any organisations, communities and individuals seeking to reduce their ecological and carbon footprints with workshops, tools, consultancy, training and communications.
Assessment Services Ltd
As an international assessment centre with over 30 years of experience in assessment and accreditation. We are committed to ensuring our assessment process adds value to organisations being accredited by Assessment Services.